Dear Parents/Carers
In Holy Trinity the physical and mental health and well being of your child is of paramount importance. Programmes are in place to teach your children the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle. The Department of Education guidelines state that all schools must encourage healthy eating and adopt a healthy eating policy. We have noticed a dramatic decline in healthy eating in our school and there has been an increase in children bringing unhealthy food into school for lunch and break .
I would like to remind parents that the following items are not permitted at break or lunch
1. Anything containing nuts.
2. Crisps.
3. Chocolate.
4. Sweets
5. Fizzy drinks.
In order to kick start our healthy eating programme, over the next few weeks, we will be monitoring closely what children are eating and will be reminding your child of what is and is not permitted in school.
We have also obtained funding to provide every child in the school with fruit for break each day for the next few weeks.. We hope that this will save parents money as they can supply their child with a smaller break and will also encourage the children to begin eating healthily again. We would ask parents to please support the school in our programme to reintroduce a healthy break and lunch and avoid sending in unhealthy food items for break and lunch We would ask for your co-operation with this.
Thank you Mrs F Boyd