Principal: Mrs F Boyd | Email: click here | Telephone: 02890612266 / 02890616465
Address: Monagh Road, Belfast, BT11 8EG Follow us on X: @holytrinitybelf
Address: Monagh Road, Belfast, BT11 8EG Follow us on X: @holytrinitybelf
Holy Trinity Primary School is situated on a large open site and is generously equipped. In addition to bright modern classrooms, each containing an interactive whiteboard, there are extensive play areas, two Assembly Halls, two Libraries, an ICT Suite and numerous Resource Rooms. … more information
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Latest School News

School Closure 24th January
Holy Trinity will be closed tomorrow due to the red weather warning.
Happy Christmas!
See you all again on 6th January! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and peaceful
Digital Leaders Trip to Dream Space.
A huge well done to our Digital Leaders today for their work at Microsoft Dream Space! They had great fun designing a Marble run and then coding in Minecraft! Thank you Matty for a great morning! #MSDreamSpace @W5_LIFE
Stars in Our School!
A huge thank you to all our non teaching staff for everything you do! We really appreciate all your hard work. We had a lovely day with Unison on Tuesday and really enjoyed hearing all the lovely comments about everyone. Congratulations!
Holy Trinity Open Day
Open Day will be on Wednesday 4th December at 9:30 am. All