Congratulations Holy Trinity!

Holy Trinity Primary School are delighted to be awarded the 360 Degree Safe Online Safety Mark for the second time from South West Grid For Learning. This prestigious award recognises the comprehensive program of work in the school in relation to esafety.

The assessor Mr Ron Richards from SWGfL was impressed with ‘how the school has continued to improve its online safety provision and that the school remains at (and in many places, above) Online Safety Mark benchmark levels. ‘

Holy Trinity are very proud of the education program we have in place to teach our children about esafety. Our mascot eSafetysaurus is a regular visitor at assemblies and events and the monthly codes help drive the esafety message forward. Mrs Boyd is always very focussed on staff development and ensures parents receive effective information to help them navigate the digital world.

We would like to thank Mrs Rooney and Miss Mc Laughlin for submitting the detailed review and evidence to SWGfL. The submission covered four main elements relating to: Policy and Leadership, Education, Technology and Outcomes.

We would also like to thank our teaching staff, Governors, parents and of course our children for their continued support and work on esafety across the school and community. Our Digital Leaders are a great team who help us deliver our esafety messages at regular times throughout the year.

Well done to all at Holy Trinity!

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