Sports Days

Sports Day is almost here and once again we are inviting you to join us. Our Sports Days this year will be held in the KS2 playground (3G facility).

Planned dates for Sports Days are as follows:

P1 Thursday 23rd May 9:20am-11:40am

P2 Wednesday 22nd May 9:20am-11:40am

P3 Tuesday 21st May 9:20am-11:40am

P4 Tuesday 4th June 9:20am-11:40am

P5 Friday 7th June 9:20am-11:40am

P6 Tuesday 11th June 9:20am-11:40am

P7 Monday 17th June 9:20am-11:40am

LSC1, 2 and 3 Monday 24th June

Children in the LSC4, LSC5 and LSC6 classes will receive a Seesaw message from their class teacher informing parents of the dates and times for Sports Day.

Reserve dates have been planned in the event that original dates can not go ahead due to adverse weather conditions. These reserve dates will be used by any of the year groups that don’t have Sports Day on the original date planned. As many parents need to take time off work to see their children take part in Sports Day, I have provided a list of approximate times that Sports Day will start and finish for each year group.

This year, parents will again have the option of taking their children home after Sports Day. However, children are not permitted to leave the yard until all races/events have been completed.

School will operate as normal for those parents who wish their children to remain in class until the end of the school day.

Happy Easter!

Easter Holidays start today for LSC children and tomorrow we close at 11am for P1-P7! Happy Easter! See you all again on Monday 8th April.

Important Dates

School will close for the Easter Holidays at 11.00 am on Thursday.

We will reopen on  8th April. This will be a normal school day. 

6th April- First anniversary mass for Thomas O Hagan – 6.30pm in Holy Trinity Church.

17th April- First Penance – 11.00am in Holy Trinity Church 

Happy St Patrick’s Day !

We had a brilliant day on Friday celebrating St Patrick’s Day! In our sea of green our children performed at each of the Key Stage concerts. What talent! Well done everyone!

St Patrick’s Day

Holy Trinity Primary School will be closed on the 18th March for St Patrick’s Day. On Friday 15th March, the children may wear their own clothes or may wear something green as they will be attending a St Patrick’s Day concert in school.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Our children had a great day on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th March making their Mother’s Day planters. A huge thank you to Mr Hackett for all his planning and shopping! Thank you to Mrs Mc Laughlin for organising the plants and to Mrs Carabine, Mrs Kane, Mrs Mc Kenna and Miss Cushenan for their help.

Our P5s did a fantastic job helping all the classes! The Dream team!

Microsoft Dream Space

Our Digital Leaders had a great coding session on Micro:Bits with Matty at Dream Space. They learnt all about loops, variables and conditional statements! Well done boys and girls!

Trocaire 2024

Thank you to everyone for all your fund raising so far. We had a visit from Nick at Trocaire to tell us a bit about this year’s focus on Malawi. Malawi is often referred to as the warm heart of Africa. It is a country with extremely high levels of poverty, where life is already a struggle for many. Climate change means flooding and droughts are becoming both more extreme and unpredictable. People are losing their homes, their livelihoods and even their lives. Through our fund raising we can help people improve their lives.

Ash Wednesday saw the beginning of our Lenten Fundraising Campaign. The boys and girls will be taking part in various activities – selling buns, ballots and taking part in sponsored walks, making Mother’s Day planters, among many other activities.

Our main event is our Freddie Fitness Day. Freddy will be in with us on Tuesday 26th March for the ‘Fun Day’ which is a sponsored event to raise money for Trocaire.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents in advance for the very generous support throughout Lent for the many fundraising activities that will be happening in all of our classes. We have raised fantastic amounts in previous years in support of our Lenten Campaign and hope to be just as successful again this year.

Peace Proms 2024

Holy Trinity were delighted to take part in the Peace Proms along with 3000 children, singing for joy, hope, peace and love at the SSE Arena in Belfast. The incredible Lauren Murphy was there along with the awesome Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland. We were so proud of our Holy Trinity children and it was such an experience being part of this special occasion. Thank you to Mrs Mc Kinney, Miss Donnelly and Mrs Webb who brought our children. We would also like to thank all our parents who attended.